Wednesday 19 January 2011

A year in reflection: February

2. February

Ahhh going home! As a whole I disliked our stay at the hospital. Logan was in the high risk nursery which meant that we had to travel down a couple floors and get buzzed in everytime we wanted to see him. I was having difficulty breastfeeding as I imagine a lot of new moms do and the nurses in the nursery weren't symphathic to that. I didn't cry when Logan was born but I was in tears almost everytime we left the nursery. I was asked by the nurses things like why I was picking up Logan? Do I need a reason?!! arg. I get fired up just thinking about it. The doctors wanted to keep Logan in the hospital for extra days but Kevin & I knew everything was fine with him and we pushed and pulled and jumped through hoops to get him out in normal time. Successs!!! So while our stay at the hospital wasn't exactly peachy you couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces as we walked out :)

We left the hospital February 2nd & I sat in the backseat with the baby all the way home.

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