Thursday 20 January 2011

A year in reflection: March

3. March

mrrrr. If there is one thing that having a baby has made me miss more than ever it's family & friends or better yet those who are both ;) Motherhood has been a very trying experience. This first year, Kevin has been my only local outlet. He has been wonderful but lets be honest his logical, sense making responses or solutions while they do the trick - what I'm craving is the ear that can empathize with me so much it brings them to tears & the lets shake it off with a bottle of wine, a trip to target or a pint of ice cream - kindof girlfriend solution.

Weird how adding to your family makes you more lonely sometimes. Guess I just realize how much I want others that we love to share in the little moments of us growing up. It's been yeeeearrs since I've lived near/with family & friends and I swear one day in the future we will again.