Thursday 6 January 2011

Stomach Bug

So the baby was sicky, sick, sick on Tuesday. This was a first for him and a first for us. Not sure when it started for sure because he didn't nap well for either nap -but I noticed it when I got him up from his 2nd nap because he was just screaming. The minute I picked him up he felt hot. I always doubted that I would be one of those moms that, by touch, could spot a fever. But lo' and behold my motherly skillz have impressed me once again. Under arm temp was 101.7. He's never had a fever - the few times I've taken his temperature he hasn't even reach the "normal" 98.6 he's always in the 97's. I immediately felt bad for being frustrated that he wasn't napping well. I had already given him motrin for his ever growing teeth - so he was already as medicated as he could be. He seemed to perk up a bit after being up ...but then very quickly went downhill. He couldn't keep his eyes open and only wanted to be held. When Kevin got home we put a cold wash cloth on his head & decided to see if he wanted to eat some dinner. Mac-n-cheese & applesauce (his favs). Ate like a champ and then puked like a champ. He immediately went limp in my arms as if it had taken everything out of him to get it up. He was pitiful looking and acting from there on out. We gave him a bath, got him in some jammers and attempted to put him down for bed. He was up and down and feverish for half the night.
Thankfully the next morning....
he was fever free and happy as pie:

Wouldn't wish our baby ill again but it kinda felt nice to know we made our baby better with just love & a cold wash cloth. Sometimes there are moments when you really feel like a parent - this was one of them.


  1. Oh my goodness, he looks so pitiful in the first pic., so glad it was not a long lasting he has found his nose AND crotch--boys!!

  2. Logan was just testin' you. He wants to know how much you really love him---since he knows that his little sis is coming soon!?!?! luv
