Thursday 30 July 2009

14 weeks!

Thankfully the weeks are starting to go by faster - I'm continuing to feel good, aside from being super sleepy. Apparently right around 14 weeks I'm suppose to get my normal energy levels back....the books say I'll just wake up one morning with some extra pep to my step. We'll see.

Still no cravings :( booooo. I'm excited for those - although some would say that I enjoy odd combinations of things on a regular basis. With my luck, when the cravings do finally kick in they'll probably be for American things that we can't get over here like Velveeta Shells & Cheese, very cold & crispy Clausen dill pickle spears, Ego Waffles, etc.... I can just picture it now: me craving a combination of all of the above, Kevin not being able to get it for me & then me crying. Hahaha

Oh love, this could be a fun 9 months :)


  1. I remember a time when you had a "thing" for refried beans! For Kevin's sake I hope that craving doesn't come about:)

  2. there are always care packages!! :)

  3. WHOOP! 14 weeks :) We love you Baby Hawk
