Thursday 24 October 2013

October 23, 2013

The day Logan was diagnosed with Autism.

The Childhood Autism Rating Scale -2 was used to determine where he stood on the spectrum  (click HERE to read more of what the test involved) Logan scored a 43.5.  The range goes from 15 (not autistic) - 60 (severely autistic), a score of 30+ puts you on the Autism Spectrum. 

We are still digesting all that happened yesterday.  I can't even begin to gather all of our thoughts - we are still in the whirlwind of our 2hr appointment. 

For the past, almost 4 years we've been trying to figure out just what makes Logan tick -yesterday a Doctor told us that answer - it just doesn't feel like what I thought it would feel like.  

We are sad, confused, questioning.  Autism is such a broad and subjective diagnoses and because of that, it's hard to accept.

I've always become emotionally numb in times when emotion should probably run rampant.  But I know that day will sneak up on me when I least expect it & I'll cry not because Logan has Autism but because life is unfair...

until that day

We've got a long list of to-do's per the doctors request - more blood & urine tests, an EEG, possibly another MRI, follow up visits, books to read, forms to fill out, calls to make.....this is real, this is happening, did our lives just change yesterday at 4pm? 

It may have - but Logan is still the same little boy he has always been, he hasn't changed. We haven't changed.

Be strong.


  1. A word has entered into our lives, and yes that word will take some adjusting to---but Logan is still the beautiful, innocent, loving, laughing child that he has been for the last 3 1/2 years. I will continue to thank God every day for Logan and that HE chose Kevin and Erin to be Logans' parents! We love you all and to tell you that we will always be here for you, well I think you know!!

  2. We are here if you ever need someone else to lean on but we have no doubt you will take this "new adjustment" head on and be the amazing parents and role models to your kiddos as you always have been. You already have hit the nail on the head...Logan hasn't changed and neither have you. Just a new term has been brought into your lives but it doesn't change who you are or will be as a family.....and more importantly it doesn't change the love and strength you already share. Xoxo

    1. Thank You Katie, I'm so happy Erin has you for a friend!!!

  3. You guys are a beautiful family. Thank you for being brave and sharing your journey with us. I love what both your mom and Katie said. You are strong.

  4. Thinking of you Erin---please stay strong --I'm thinking/praying for you. love

  5. Last night while I was reading your blog with tears in my eyes all I could think was to thank God for giving Logan two wonderful and strong parents! You both have always and will continue to give the best care and love to Logan. He is such a lovely little boy. You are all in my thoughts! So happy you are in TX with family during this time. Another sign that God has a plan. Erica

  6. Well, you're right, life isn't fair. I'm sorry. But I have no doubt that Logan will still continue to blossom because of his amazing parents and equally present support system. And as an aside, it's likely that Reagan and Logan's cousins will grow up seeing the world with more understanding and empathy, not in spite of this diagnosis, but because of it.
