Thursday 16 May 2013

Just when you need it

Yesterday we had another showing.  So we went to the gym & then I took the kiddos to Wendy's for dinner to kill the time. When we were getting ready to leave, a man, I didn't notice until right then made eye contact with me and said
     "you are doing a good job, you're a good mother"
That's all he said and then he went back to reading his paper.  After having a tough week hearing those words from a complete stranger felt like...I don't know.  It felt strange, I wondered if I made it up (still wondering?? lol).  It felt really good.  I didn't even know he was there?  Did he see me pick a fry up off the floor and give it back to Reagan?! 

I believe in fate.  It was someone there giving me those words to help me keep going. 

It was exactly what I needed at the exact right time.

Today those two showings we had this week turned into an offer which in turn has turned into our house being under a legit contract.  Pending inspections and such - our house just might be sold.  Just when we were feeling crummy about packing up and not having any forward progress.  

I believe in fate.  Someone knew Kevin & I needed some sort of good news thrown our way.  

It was exactly what we needed at the exact right time.

Here we go m'love, we're comin home :*


  1. come on love. we're waiting for you :-)

  2. Sometimes "fate" is God's way of answering prayers! I believe in Fate!

  3. this post warms my heart in so many ways :) CONGRATS on the great news!!
