Friday 3 June 2011

Belly to Sitting!

3 days ago Logan wasn't able to go from his belly to sitting.

Today? He does it like a pro!!

The occupational therapist gave us a little trick to help him learn the mechanism of getting to a sitting position - which we've been working on with him consistently for 2 weeks. And lo and behold 3 days ago he did it for the first time in the bath tub, yesterday he pretty much did it non-stop and today when Kevin & I went in to get him up from his nap there he was sitting and clapping :)

This is one of the first few times he was able to do it - he is always so proud of himself when he realizes he is sitting :)

Time to lower the crib!!

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY!!!! and Hooray for baby Reagan! He just wanted to show off for his sister :)
