Saturday 30 January 2010


Erin sent me a link Friday morning while I was at work. The link was an article about the biggest and brightest full moon of 2010. Several studies have been conducted trying to link full moon phases to giving birth, so what better shot did we have than this? The fullest and brightest full moon of the year just happened to fall on our due date. The temperatures plummeted to the coldest Connecticut has seen since February last year, 6 degrees!! That didn't take into account the subtle but present seabreeze. We weren't about to let this ruin our chances, so out we went, Dylan and all. We decided to walk to the beach, down the pier and get as close as we could to the moon's gravity. We did a dance and skipped our way home. We didn't end up going into labor, but Erin is laying down resting right now so I think our time is very near. Our moondance may have worked after all?? We're ready for you Logan Beckett Hawk.

"Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes..."


  1. The moon worked for Olivia...and I know Logan's excited to be in your arms.

  2. Bring on the baby!!! We can't wait to see Logan! We're off to Mexico tomorrow for a little baby-free vacation, but will be checking in at some point to see if he's made his appearance. Good luck Erin! You'll soon be holding your little man in your arms. :)

  3. Hope you stay upbeat and he will come probably when you least expect it!
