Wednesday 7 September 2016

Lucy Annabelle

Miss LoosLoos, LucyBell, Missy Missy LuLu, ButterPecan, Sugar - or really anything that sounds sweet cause this baby right here is 14.5lbs of pure sugar sweet.

At 4months old she has just tried her first solids, baby oats & she ate like a champ.  So now she gets to sit at the table with the rest of the family and eat dinner with us.  Otherwise I'm still nursing her & the girl likes to eat - have you seen her chubby little cheeks & her rolly thighs??!  As for her sleeping... She had a streak of really good, then a small streak of notsogood and now I feel like we are back on with the good & she wakes once between 3-5am.  She naps awesome. Most days she will take two solid 2hr naps and one cat nap. Bedtime has been about 7/7:30pm.  We use to have a good little bedtime routine down of a bath, lotion, jammies, nurse - but a couple weeks ago she started hating baths.  Like hating with a passion. 

She cries the most loud when she's hungry and she fusses when shes tired.  She likes to move.  She can be sleeping ever so soundly in the car and then a red light happens and BAM shes awake, green light - she's asleep.  She sleeps the best in her bed on her belly or in the moby wrap nice and close to mama :)

She has rolled over 4 times now - but no one has seen it happen.  I'll lay her in the middle of the floor to go to the bathroom and come back and she is on her belly.  She loves nothing more than to stand up - gotta put those strong legs to use!  I'm already so excited for when she can crawl and babble mostly to see her reactions to Logan and Reagan.  She lights up and follows them all over the room with her eyes right now.  It just might make me cry when she crawls like a speeddemon to them when they come home from school.  She laughs - although I have yet to catch a good one on video.

She's such a good, happy & pretty baby.
She's everything I have ever dreamed of for my last baby & I'm soaking it up. 

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