Monday 30 May 2011

In Labor!!!

Reagans little bedside nest won't be empty for too much longer.....

Started timing contractions about 4pm but have been feeling crummy since leaving the hospital this morning. Still at home but I foresee at late night trip into the ole' labor & delivery tonight!!!!

Never been so excited for immense pain :)


  1. AHHHHH!!!! So excited for you guys! Can't wait to see your update tomorrow morning! YAY! YAY! YAY!

  2. I was with Erin for most of this day and after playing with Logan, helping cook a steak dinner--eating said steak dinner, then more play with Logan before his bedtime, afterwards a movie, did I ever see evidence of her labor! I'm not saying this was a cake walk, what labor ever is, but she is a ROCK!
