Wednesday 24 April 2013

About those blood tests

We wanted to have Logan tested to see if he has an allergy to Gluten.  It may very well come back negative but it was just another one of those things we wanted to hopefully rule out.  I've been reading A LOT recently about how Gluten can be a trigger in some people (children & adults) for hyperactivity, GI issues, loss of focus, etc.. etc

.. basically a description of Logan. 

While he was in there getting the blood work done for that we also had to do a couple re-tests :/ Somehow his charts got lost with some of his prior results?  So they re-did the Karotype test as well as the Fragile X test.  And because why not - we got his lead levels checked.  

6 large viles worth of blood.
The lady that took his blood was in shock that Logan was more interested in the choo-choo train that I brought in for him to hold than the needle going in and sucking out that much blood.  I wasn't surprised - the kid has a strange non-existent relationship with pain.  He's tough like his Mommy :)  Anywho, the lady wanted to give him the entire roll of stickers cause "he did better than most adults doing giving one vile of blood" 

We have no results back yet but there is enough literature out there to make me want to start a change in Logan's diet....and if it's Logan's diet we're changing then we're changing the whole FAMILY diet.  
So far so good. I'm comforted in the thought that I'm making big changes in a lot of what they eat but as of right now (because we don't HAVE to eliminate them, yet)  Chicken Nuggets, Fish Sticks & Mac-n-Cheese are big hits so we need those until I can find/make good replacements.  But I'm proud to say this WHOLE week (all 3 days of I've managed to make entirely Gluten Free Breakfasts, Lunches & Snacks.

Google says it can take up to 6 months to actually see if it's making a real difference. Gluten allergy or not - if it means a chance for a slightly calmer more focused Logan, count all of us in & committed. 

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