Tuesday 2 April 2013

3.2 years & 22 months

Dear Logan,
We just had another meeting at your school to discuss how you're progressing.  I can't explain enough how much all your teachers love you & all the happiness you bring into that classroom.  You have the routines down pat and have started singing songs you learn in school at home.  At the last meeting we had we discussed trying a weighted vest to help keep you "grounded" and more calm.  After over a month there has been a notable difference & it seems to help considerably :)  

Turns out you love Pumpernickel bread.  I use to have to force you to eat a sandwich and then one day I sat down with a Pumpernickel Sandwich and you immediately started saying "yes please, yes please"  You ate the whole thing.  Then, yesterday you ate your Pumpernickel pb&j before finishing all your Pirates Booty - which is unheard of.   

Your vocabulary has increased and you're speaking some sentences.  Still working on the stairs, you're definitely better going down than up.  This past month you sat on a big kid swing, gave a baby doll a big hug and held your sisters hand for the first time :)

Your resolution of using utensils at meal times is still non-existent.  Daddy & I are working on it, school is working on it.  I'm not sure what more we can do - it seems impossible.

You are happiest playing with things that you can watch move : balls, trucks, trains, race track.  You don't have much imagination and don't necessarily play with toys correctly but who's to say how toys are supposed to be played with.  Maybe I'm completely wrong about everything and you are using your imagination to play with toys a different and better way?

Dear Reagan,
You are 2 months away from being 2 years old & entering the "terrible twos" although your Daddy and I think it's an art form that's been in the works since you were born.  You have a lot of personality between those pig tails, no one questions that.  In the last month you've made me cry more than once because of your ridiculous behavior.  I felt out of control, you were out of control.  We're working on it and through it.  You are so completely different than your brother - it's like being first time parents all over again.

You love pancakes & muffins & unloading the groceries.

You just recently started saying "OK Mom" when I ask you to do something - to which I promptly reply..."OK Mommmy".   You also just started saying "I love you"  at night before bed - to which I promptly reply "OK, you can call me Mom"  ;) 

You've been so sick the last month that we've taken a step back in the no more paci resolution.  You poo'd in the potty for the first time randomly this past month...but I see diapers in our future for a while longer.

If Mommy won't pick you up or give you something - you've started going to Daddy and asking.  Aren't you too young to have that trick up your sleeve? But with those big blue eyes and that pretty smile I can see Daddy falling victim a time or two.

Keep keepin me on my toes my little loves.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Erin...I love reading your blog. Your kids are absolutley beautiful. Your story keeps me going during frustrating times with a newborn where I feel like I terrible person/mommy and guilt over loosing my patience with someone so special to me. Your an inspiration!!! Thank you so very much. If you get a chance send me your email address and I'll add you to our blog on shutterfly. Our little Owen is something!!
