Logan was an early riser this morning but I suppose for a good reason. The second I walked in his room I knew he had
poo'd, what I didn't know was to what extent. It was one of those that I had to pick him up from the armpits and carry him legs dangling to show Kevin who was still in bed. Just the smell alone was nauseating. He had such a massive poo that it required Kevin to get out of bed and change the crib mattress pad, the sheet & remove the nearby blanket. Over at the changing station I was being thankful that I didn't have any food in my belly or there would have been two messes to clean up. I threw out the
onesie he was wearing along with the diaper that was completely covered inside and out with poo and the 7 wipes that were used. His socks, the swaddle blanket and the changing pad cover are going in the wash in hopes they come clean.
Thank goodness its trash day - the diaper was concealed in its own
ziploc bag and taken straight to the curb.
with all that out of his system maybe he'll nap well today??
all right Logan!! I hope you feel better after that!! Way to get the day started! I remember a few of those days:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(