Thursday 18 February 2010

Playing house

So far being a mom has been relatively smooth sailing (knock on wood) I'm only having to get up to feed once maybe twice in the middle of the night - which from what I hear makes me pretty lucky. I've showered often, gotten out of my pjs everyday, cleaned & cooked. Life goes on after baby.
Yesterday we had a bit of an off/rough day. Logan was unhappy for whatever reason and did his "I can't even breathe I'm crying so loud and hard" cry for a good portion of the day. I kept wanting to say to him "Logan, use your words" but alas all he knows to do is cry. I can't wait till he can communicate...when do babies start talking these days? I fear we have a ways to go. Until then I hope my patience grows a thicker skin.

I feel completely back to normal sans the larger boobs and softer tummy. But back to my normal clothes, back to being able to give Kevin a good, close hug and back to tying my shoes with ease. Weird to think how drastically life - both physically and emotionally -can change in just 2 short weeks.
Mommyhood frustrations:
When he crys so loud and hard and I can't figure out why
Trying to put his floppy, tiny arms through the teeny, tiny onesie arm holes
Why doesn't he like it when we change his diaper?
Getting places on time
Not being able to take Dylan on walks - Logan hasn't quite taken to the cold air

Make'in it all worth while:
Being a Mommy
When he is awake and taking the world in
When Dylan gives him kisses
Watching him sleep
His grunts and all his noises
Watching Kevin with him
His baby smell & soft skin
Me, Logan & Dylan meeting Kevin at the door after work - we're a little family :)


  1. like this post :) the lists are fun...continue those. It's fun to look back on them and see how they've evolved.

  2. Really nice thoughts Erin. Yes your lives have changed and you both have the mom/daddy talents to endure! Enjoy this moment.

  3. awwww... sweetness... miss those baby days, keep on enjoying as they don't last near long enough... the hard days are like labor - very intense during them, but you kinda forget about them and only remember the sweet days!

  4. Erin don't worry he'll be talkin' soon enough.
    And you'll be telling him to shut-up!!!
    I'm so happy for you both.
    Enjoy these days---just watching him sleep--
    making faces----dirty diapers (say what!?!)
    This is the best time----now---

  5. Don't worry... you will soon figure out what those cries mean, even without words.

    Oh, and you are making us nine months on, nine months off girls look bad! Back to normal clothes in two weeks??!!! Go You!!!

  6. although some days seem long (and some nights longer!)...enjoy them because they are gone too soon! Luckily the memories linger in your heart forever!
