Tuesday 25 August 2009

What a week can do

Daddy Excerpt #2: After a lifetime of looking forward to the coming years, things have slowed down to a pace that we're looking forward to the coming weeks. Turns out a lot can happen in a week. As you know, we've been keeping a close eye on Erin's belly, but apparently I must have blinked. To know that we're really pregnant we've gone from pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and listening to babies heartbeat to having a huge bump!! We have talked, read and heard that these days would come, but nothing prepares you. It's such an exciting time, baby is developing and growing so quickly now, but I can't lose sight of all the angles. A big bump means Erin's clothes will stop fitting and she'll start sleeping with more difficulty. Up to now, my involvement has been minimal. Get some water, make dinner, get the bags, hold the doors. Things I'd like to think I always do. This is different though. We'll be great, baby'll be great. I can't wait to be there for her and make this the wonderful experience it is.

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