Wednesday, 20 July 2011

One Napper

We're on day 2 of just one nap for Logan. Thought it would be something fun & exciting to try out with a newborn.


He's been knockin on the one nap door for a couple weeks now. So we'll see how he does. Our first two days have looked like this:

6:30/7 - Awake & Milk
11:30 - Lunch
12/12:30 - Nap (so far he's only managed a 2/2.5hr nap, our goal would be 3hrs)
2:30/3pm - Awake & Milk or Snack
6pm - Dinner
7:30 - Bedtime

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I remember those nap transition times! Layla has pretty much been just a one napper ever since I have been off for the summer. Claire is in the transition now to no nap at all- and it has taken me awhile to get my mind around it!
    Logan looks like such a sweet lil guy:)
