Tuesday, 30 November 2010
10 months

Week Recap
WVA for a quick squeeze from Grandma & Grandpa:

Woodbridge, VA to get some Grandma Jo love:

Richmond, VA to cram 4 years of catching up with the Mintons in one day:

Woodbridge, VA for Turkey & all the fixins with Grandma Jo & Family:

Blacksburg, VA to watch the Hokie whoop some Wahoo butt:

*Highlights* (sarcasm)
Logan caught a cold on day one of our trip. He also decided to grow 4 teeth :o Those two factors led to him sleeping through the night only 3 times. Kevin caught a cold towards the end of trip. And the cherry ontop: We were in the car driving for over 30hrs - I won't even venture a guess as to how many of those 30+hrs were filled with Logan crying. eee gads. Needless to say we are hoping for a toothless, healthy, traffic & tear free trip back down for Christmas in less than a month.
Home again home again jiggity jog.
You'd be crazy to think I only took these pictures. Almost 200 were taken, lots of those you can see in our Picasa photo album
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Turkey Break
We packed our 110lb rottweiler our 9 month old baby and enough luggage for all of us for 10 days and we hit the road yesterday. The trip took us 9 hrs 2 of which were filled Logans tears - but we are here....
First stop: Grandma & Grandpas

Quick trip to Richmond Tuesday & Wednesday
Turkey Thursday with Family
A drive down to the 'Burg on Friday for some Hokie game day on Saturday
Back to CT on Sunday :/
No internet for the next week. Catch ya on the flip side!
Gobble, gobble.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
The face


I have upgraded our account but it may take up to 24hrs for the extra storage to be available. That means no posting photos for 24hrs ....rats!
Birthday Party

Monday, 15 November 2010

Friday, 12 November 2010
Fish N' Chips

Many women get strange food urges during pregnancy. Erin would like to tell you she's not one of them, but random things sound good at random times and the urge doesn't go away until she's had her fill. It's usually cereal, but a few weeks ago it was FISH AND CHIPS, a British favorite. Our friends told us about the Portuguese Holy Ghost Society Fish Fry in Stonington Borough, so we checked it out tonight. Good stuff and urge satisfied!!! Since conceiving Logan during our year in the UK we've given him a British middle name and now he's had FISH AND CHIPS!!! And a side of mushy peas to boot. It's only fair to share : )
Thursday, 11 November 2010
The numbers

Wednesday, 10 November 2010
You'll remember about a month ago I was worried that Logan still wasn't sitting up by himself. Well - here we are a month after that and he is now a great little sitter and a new worry has popped up. go figure. He is soooo not mobile and google is the devil. I came across a ton of "What should my 9 month old be able to do" articles & while there was a good deal of articles saying that babies develop differently and some never even crawl the ones that stuck with me were the ones saying "if your baby isn't attempting to move by 9 months there is something wrong" So yesterday I practiced tough love. When that wasn't successful, I cried.
It snowballed from there.
Logan didn't nap well, Dylan got under my skin. And things that don't really upset me had there go at me too. Kevin got several emails but nothing he said was really helping - I was too far gone at that point. So I sat across the room from Logan while he played & I cried. Logan did his best to get a smile out of me...he kept flashing me the biggest smiles and talking to me - all that did was make me cry harder. What the heck is wrong with me...look at this face

We all needed fresh air so after lunch we took a walk in silence - I think Dylan knew better than to stop and smell the roses on this walk...we were all business, walk fast...burn some steam and let the cool air dry up the tears.
It got better from there.
I slept well & we are having a much better day today :) Logan has his 9 month appt. this afternoon so I plan to speak my worries to the doc. I don't expect he'll say that there is anything at all wrong with Logan but it'll be a weight off our shoulders to speak our troubles out loud to someone who hopefully knows what he's talking about.
Dear Hormones,
WTF. Don't do that again. Or at the very least give us a warning.
Monday, 8 November 2010
12 weeks!

A box & 2hrs
So after Logan went to bed last night Kevin & I got to work. And...this is what became of the box after 2hrs of hardwork & some imagination:
It's highly probable that Kevin & I had more fun making it than Logan will ever have playing in it..... It's a treehouse if you couldn't tell :)
Friday, 5 November 2010
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Good Morning Thursday

Tuesday, 2 November 2010
May 23, 2011