Tuesday, 15 December 2009

33 weeks!

Baby Logan is definitely getting big and is shifting downward....how do I know this?
  1. The pants that I had been able to button and zip even just 2 weeks ago are near impossible to button now.
  2. My appetite has increase, meaning baby isn't so high that he's compressing my stomach
  3. My peeing activity has increased once again, meaning baby is low enough and big enough to squish my bladder
  4. Lastly, because it's about freggin time!! 7 weeks to go :)

My fingers have started to get puffy at night so I've been taking my wedding rings off when I sleep & Kevin seems to think that my body temperature has increased a bit. Instead of him saying that its warm some place I'm the one to mention it. We've barely turned our heat on in our house!

We finished baby Logans room - stay tuned for some pictures :)


  1. I love Dilly in the one picture :) You look great Erin...can't wait to meet your little one!

  2. Andrea's right, it looks like Dylan is wondering what in the world you are doing???and who's in there??? You are all baby:)

  3. Dylan is showing off his butt and mommy is showing off her cute belly! Love it! Can't wait to see Logan's room pics!
