Sunday 6 December 2009

32 weeks!

8 months - holy cow, it's real.

2 weeks ago our pregnancy was still relatively surreal to me. I think the second we walked into our baby shower things hit the road of reality and have been going full speed ahead since. Beginning to set up Logans room, buying essential gear, going to a childbirth class & having doctors actually mention things like ''when you go into labor....''

Bad news is that I think I've hit the pregnancy black hole or maybe I want to curl up in a black hole and surface again only once baby is here. Feeling very not pretty these days :/ Combine that with the wall of emotional madness that I've hit and you've got someone who would be better off inside the house in pjs all day. It's hit or miss the last few days if I'll wake up and feel like crying - for no particular reason. I teared up watching the birthing video in our childbirth class, I cried the other day cause Kevin didn't tell me he was going out to the garage to clean up, I was on the verge of tears this morning cause I don't like the way my week 32 pictures turned out. I'm a mess - lol.

Please give Kevin the strength to endure this roller coaster that I call me for another 7 weeks.


  1. mmmrr... 8 weeks left and this will be behind you. love you lots

  2. ok, so maybe you get this from me, because this is the third time I have read this blog and all three times I have finished with tears coming down my cheeks! Hang in there--both of you:) AND excuse me Erin but I have known you for ALL of your 27 plus years and you have NEVER been not pretty!

  3. Erin: You are, hands down, the most gorgeous pregnant girl I know! Don't worry, these last few weeks seem like hell, but in the end it is all SO worth it.

  4. I know I didn't look as pretty as you at 8 months!!! Just think of the "after" time (because it will more than likely get worse before it gets better!) and it WILL be worth it! Once you get a look at your little man, you will be more than wonderful!! :)
