Sunday 20 December 2015

22 Weeks!

Here comes the belly!  It's growing by the day - I've hit the point of immediately getting out of any kind of jeans and putting on my "jammies" at the earliest possible time.  Had my first appointment since 8 weeks preggo the other day. And to my dismay there was no ultrasound :/  However, everything else looked good.  Heartbeat was 150ish.  I haven't gained 300 pounds. My body cooperated and was able to fill 7 viles of blood. We got referred out to a specialist for our ultrasound and that takes place not today, not tomorrow but on Tuesday!!  And it will include a 3D ultrasound - the perks of having a previous child that had an abnormality in utero.  Looking forward to that & it may come as a surprise to some but we turns out we aren't strong enough to wait until April to find out boy or girl. lol.  Who were we kidding.  Our compromise is to have the nurses put the gender in an envelope and Kevin & I will open it up 3 days later on Christmas.  

Ahhhhh I'm so excited!
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. AHHH! While I loved waiting to find out, I am selfishly excited you are not waiting :) Can't wait to hear what the envelope reveals on Christmas :) In the meantime, congrats on a smooth pregnancy so far!!
