Tuesday 3 September 2013

Playin hookie

Logan got an EXTRA long weekend.  No school today, instead an eye appointment.  All went well :)  Doc dilated his eyes and took new measurements and actually decreased his prescription a little.  The glasses have helped immensely with the eye crossing and so the prescription no longer needs to compensate for that.  Without glasses he is still very one eye dominant but we knew he would always have to wear glasses for that reason.

For a - Thank you for being good at the doctors for 2hrs - we went to the Childrens Museum.  Which was basically a building that housed all of Logan & Reagan's most favorite things in the whole wide world.  

They had A LOT of fun - which probably explains why they absolutely didn't want to leave and made that clear to me by simultaneously throwing the most outrageous fits EVER... I literally had to drag them both out to the car.  

Fun times ruined.

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