Saturday 23 May 2009

Our Real Life

Another day at work, not a lot different than any other. Perhaps not as many emails from my wife as usual, but I keep busy enough not to notice (nice work honey). An uneventful walk home and I open the door to find Erin all dressed up (she's usually wearing pj's) and looking good, but not making eye contact. Immediatly I pick up on the sweaty palms without holding her hand and the perma grin without seeing her face. 'She's got a surprise for me' I think to myself. How exciting, but I didn't have a clue! She led me into the sitting room and couldn't hold back. Usually it takes a little prodding from me to get the surprise, but not today. "I think we're PREGNANT!!" Wow. So many times we talked about waiting and trying for a baby after my Master's degree, finding a new job, moving and starting our 'real life'. It's amazing the clarity with which I realized now was the right time. Her smile and joyous tear filled eyes lit up my heart. As if that wasn't enough, Erin made a baby bag with a book, some onesies and a tiny bib that read 'I love Daddy'. HA!!! I'm going to be a daddy!!! We now realize the 'real life' we were looking for had started years ago and it's getting better by the day : )

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