Thursday 27 February 2014

Things the Kids Say: Logan

This is Logans first post of this kind!!!
Everynight we talk about his day before bed, we start by asking open ended questions that are usually met with silence so then we switch to yes/no questions (ie: did you go to school today? do you remember playing with chalk outside?) to which he sometimes/most of the time answers correctly.

But last night.....
This was the conversation:

Kevin: "Did you have fun playing with Mason today?"
Logan: "Yesh"
Kevin: "What did you & Mason play with?"
Logan: "Ready set go, pick up police car, come back"

YESSSSS! he just answered an open ended question!!!! Logan is referring to the "road races" we had yesterday with Mason I gave each kiddo an object (Logan: police car, Mason: ball, Reagan: a baby) and had them race to pick their object up and come back and touch my hands.

Little moments.


  1. Proud of the grandkids---knew they could do it....Amazing, before long you won't be able to shut Logan
    up--my prayers are being answered. Surprise-Surprise-Surprise!!!!

  2. This made me so misty! What a miraculous day! XOXOXO to you all.
    Julie and Danny
