Monday 28 November 2011

This kid

The other night I had a dream that I was in a giant street it was pouring rain and everyone was running to get out of the rain including myself....and way, way, way far in front of me I saw Logan and he was crawling just as fast as his little hands and knees could take him but he kept tripping over his hands (like he often does when he gets going at a good clip). I was running so hard and fast to catch up to him so I could scoop him up and get us out of the rain but I couldn't catch up. Eventually he stopped, sat there and just cried and thats when I caught up to him, picked him up and held him tight and just ran. The dream kinda broke my heart.

I can barely explain the overwhelming feelings I had during the dream and once I woke up and was recalling it to Kevin. Kevin's guess was that I would do anything and everything for him but sometimes it's out of my hands. Very true. But it wasn't until I was talking with my mom the other day and spent a good 15mins jibber jabbering on and on about all the new things that Logan is doing that it hit me..... this little kid, my baby is on the fast track to growing up and I'm just trying my best to keep up with him.

In the last 2months (maybe even less) he has grown up so much. Physically he's gotten taller, he is has grown one of his 2 year molars and the 2nd is protruding through as we speak. He talks. Sometimes in his words but mostly it's recognizable. He is beginning to put two words together, he has started repeating random words we say. He points out things he knows in books, at the store, outside. He cruises the couch and in his crib. He points to his walker and says walk and he walks behind it all. by. himself. He LOVES being outside. Open the front door and that kid is on a bee line straight for the door going a mile a minute. The front step that he use to sit at and cry because he couldn't figure out how to get down is not even a second or a third thought....he just plows straight down. I have personally watched him go to all four corners of our almost 1 acre yard. We ask if he wants to go upstairs and he goes - up all 13 stairs by himself. He comes down not so graceful but he's not afraid anymore. He feeds himself everything that doesn't require a spoon. He eats off a plate without flipping it over and playing with it. He likes to cheers before he has a drink. He whistles on command :)

He may not walk yet but this kid is going places.

1 comment:

  1. smiling now that I wiped the tears away. The dream is one that just about every parent has at one time or another. Mother bear protecting her cub :)
