Tuesday, 27 April 2010

We have a napper!

This is relatively old news but I thought it deserved it's own post. Logan naps! I don't know what happened but it's as if our baby grew up over night and realized that sleep is a good thing. I had decided that when we moved into our new house I'd try to start new habits with him and put him up in his crib for a nap when he started getting tired. I prepared myself to have to stay in the room the whole time putting a pacifer in, swaddling him, rocking him whatever it took. But the very first day I tried - I laid him down on his side/belly & no pacifier and he didn't even fuss - just went to sleep. It's been like that everyday since. Occasionally he'll want his pacifier but he never cries when I put him down awake. We're up to a 1hr nap in the morning and a 1-2 hr nap in the afternoon and I'm trying to get him to rest a little in the early evening. Baby steps.

biggg stretch


  1. such a cute series of pictures...and yippie for the naps!

  2. soooo cute, I just want to squeeze and hug him. Happy 3 month birthday Logan. (yesterday!)
    Love Grandpa and Grandma.
