Tuesday 15 September 2015

Great things take time

I'm here.  I'm still pregnant - I think?!  If I'm not pregnant than lordybe, help me.  My belly has been rockin&rollin, I'm freezing cold 90% of the day, I'm so incredibly tired at 7:30pm, my back is aching, I've been getting up to pee in the middle of the night, I've grown out of most my bras & I definitely have a little bit of a belly.

All this already?!!  Pretty sure I remember the first trimester of the last two babies being a relative breeze and pretty unnoticeable.  Third times the charm I suppose ;)

The above is a picture Reagan drew of me with the baby in my belly.  That's been my favorite thing so far of this pregnancy.  Her little mind figuring out this whole baby in my belly thing.  Last week she said "I can't wait for your belly to get big when the baby gets here"  I told her the baby was already in my belly.  She was mind blown.  I've told her things like the baby can smell and hear and pretty soon she will see the baby kick - she almost looks a little freaked out at first but then says something like "that's cool"

Reagan thinks it's a boy.  I think it's a boy.  Kevin has no opinion yet, neither does Logan. I've done 3 wives tale gender predictors - Chinese Birth Chart, Mayan Pregnancy Calendar & I've pee'd on baking soda - all of those tests/charts came back girl.  Our most recent talks are leaning towards not finding out boy or girl until baby pops out :o 

One last ultimate surprise.  We'll see if we hold out with that thought for the next 9months. First appt is on Monday. Excited to finally see/hear this little babe!!

Time seems to be crawling.... I want to blink & it be April

1 comment:

  1. over the moon with excitement for you. you know more wives tales than i ever did but boy or girl it will be a beautiful baby surrounded with love and an AWESOME family!!! let me know if you need anything you might have passed on along the way :)
