Tuesday 23 October 2012


Today was Logan's first day of school! kinda.  Kevin & I took him in for his transition meeting- his transition out of Birth to Three and into Preschool. We met the Special Education director and then sat with 3 of the schools therapist, one of the Preschool teachers and our Birth to Three service coordinator - we managed to sum up Logan in less than 2hrs. 

 Logan even got a visit from the school nurse when he ran right into a desk and busted his lip open :o  Makin' himself known he is :)

He'll have to take a standardized tests to solidify his eligibility for Special Education and then we'll meet with the school again to set up goals and arrange how often he'll receive his therapies (which the school provides).

 The first school day for real for real will most likely be the day after he turns three (which by my calendar will be Friday Feb. 1st). He has the option of taking the big school bus, the little school bus or have me drive him.  He will go 5 days a week for a half day either in the morning or afternoon.

I have a feeling the next few months are going to fly by....

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