In fact sometimes I think he could be the next Einstein. Case in point tonight I timed him - 7mins. It took him 7 completely focused & determined minutes to balance his big car on his big truck. He didn't give up until it was balanced completely. Maybe another kid would have given up or cried with frustration. But Logan took deep breaths, stuck his tongue out and got the job done.
His appointment at Childrens Hospital in Hartford:
Went well. He met with a Child Development Specialist and a Speech Pathologist. The Developmental Specialist said that maybe on paper he could be placed somewhere on the Autism Spectrum but that his interaction and socialization gave her a confident opinion that he was not Autistic :) Logan's not wired like everyone else. Period. End of story. As we've been told many a time
, Logan is Logan.
We were told to intensify and increase all his therapy...they recommended increasing each Birth to Three therapy (speech, occupational, and physical) from twice a month to once a week combined with doing out-patient physical and occupational therapy.
Our take:
Another Doctor might have been quick to look at Logan on paper and diagnose him on the Autism Spectrum. That label would have stuck with him all his life. So we are
very happy to confirm what we had hoped would be the outcome. But there is a strange disappointment that I feel. Only because since the very beginning I've been desperate to figure out what exactly is going on with Logan...something recognizable. Something that I could tell all those starring eyes when they look at our sons big 2year old body crawl across the floor. Something I could tell the Doctor when they assume Logan can stand on the big boy scale.
3 Birth to Three therapies once a week combined with 2 out-patient therapies is A LOT. We're not sure yet what will become of our schedule and/or what we can afford to do. Birth to Three is a state funded program so that cost won't change regardless of how many services we receive but we have yet to see what his out-patient physical therapy will cost which will determine whether we can take on out-patient occupational therapy. Money aside it's still a lot.
And that's that.