Sunday, 27 June 2010

Hawk Housewarming BBQ Bonanza

A success.

We started things off by watching the US play what is now considered their last game in the World Cup - boo. BUT we watched it on our brand new freggin Samsung 55" LED, sweeeeeet TV - YAY. I was on baby duty so I didn't manage to snap many photos of our gathering but we had a good showing & the weather held steady at perfect...not too hot, little bit of cloud coverage and the occasion drop of rain.

We played horseshoes

& Giant Jenga

ate & drank. And when the sun went down a campfire was lit and the whiskey & s'mores were brought out.....Kevin, Dylan & Dave camped out in the yard and thought assembling their tents by the light of a flare after a couple glasses of Jameson would be a good idea, but you be the judge.

11:00pm - the setting up of the tents by flare light

7:30am - I think a stiff breeze would have taken this bad boy out


  1. back to basics, tenting 101. flares, fires and tents=no no no-- pretty good on the giant jenga if that was after the whiskey:) wow on the sweeeet tv!! sounds like a fun paaaartay!

  2. See what Jameson does?!?!?! Sure am
    glad you didn't burn the tent down...

  3. i love parties...wish we were there!!
